Dean of Students Office

Dear Students, 

As the Dean of Students, I am committed to creating an environment to prepare students who, among other things, can make responsible choices, think critically, be resilient, and persevere. Our longstanding Charger Compact highlights the values and expectations that we all share as a framework for how we should interact as individual members of our community, and speaks to who we are and what we stand for as a community. 

Above all, we remain committed to supporting you and providing you with the best possible educational experience. Our top priority is protecting your health and safety and that of the entire University community while you pursue your educational dreams. We have many opportunities and support systems to help you achieve your goals. Please take advantage of them, and do not hesitate to ask me or any member of my team for assistance and guidance. We can be successful as we reimagine what it means to be proud members of the Charger Family and Charger Nation. I would encourage you to pay special attention to the Weekly Roundup e-newsletter that is sent every Sunday night. It includes a great recap of important news and updates and upcoming events. I am thrilled to be part of the University of New Haven Community, and I can’t wait to meet each and every one of you. I look forward seeing many of you on campus in the days and weeks ahead.

Sincerely, Dr. Ophelie Rowe-Allen

Group of Students Smiling

The Dean of Students Office provides support and advocacy for students. We answer questions, provide information about and referrals to campus resources; assist in students’ adjustment to the university; promote programs which address student needs, concerns and interests; and help students in resolving problems of any type.

We challenge students to conduct themselves with integrity in both personal and academic matters and hold them accountable for their decisions and actions. Our goal is to foster a community of mutual respect where students are actively engaged members of the university community.

How to Connect with Us:

Give us a call! You can reach us at 203-932-7432 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. You can also schedule an appointment with available staff online through the Navigate App.

If you need help immediately, please call University Police at 203-932-7070 or 911.

Keep an eye on our Instagram @unewhaven_StuAffairs for updates on campus news, events, and opportunities to enhance your wellness!

You can also contact us at to learn more about our office and how we can support you!


Click here to meet our staff. 

Report it! Don't Ignore it! logo.

Have you been concerned about a student or community member’s behavior and were unsure of what to do?

The University of New Haven is committed to maintaining a healthy, safe and secure campus environment, free of intimidation and harm. The Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) serves as a centralized point for referrals of students or community members of concern. If you notice behaviors or activities that you feel may pose a risk to the health or safety of our community, let us know about it by completing our online reporting form.

If you feel the student or community member needs medical attention or poses an immediate threat to themselves or others, contact:

  • 911 (for an emergency)
  • x7014 University Police (non-emergency)
  • x7070 University Police (emergency)

If you do not believe the student or community member is an immediate threat and would like to report the concerning behavior, complete the report form. If your instinct or gut feeling tells you something is wrong, trust it. Report it, don’t ignore it!

Click here to report an incident.
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