Campus Services

Food Services

Dining Services

There are a variety of locations to purchase food on campus. Click here to learn more. 


If you will be hosting a function with food service and you wish NOT to use Sodexo Service, please fill out this form

Duplicating CenterDuplication Center

The Duplicating Center is located in the lower level of Maxcy Hall and enables Faculty and Staff to request duplicating service either in person or online through the University Support Services portal.



Mail ServicesMail Department

The University’s Central Mailroom is located in the lower level of Maxcy Hall and every residential student also has a personal mailbox located in Bixler, Bergami or Celentano Hall.

Campus Card Services

One Stop in Bergami Hall Room 143
M-F 8:30-4:30 with extended PM hours during active semester

IMPORTANT: Lost or damanged cards (this includes hole-punching your cards) will be replaced by the Campus Card Office in the Campus Store. The lost card (and damaged card) replacement cost is $20. The card office accepts Visa, Master card, Discover, Diners Club, and Apple pay only.  We do not accept Charger Cash.

The University Bookstore is located on our main campus, across from the Henry C. Lee Institute building.  The bookstore has a wide variety of University of New Haven-themed merchandise and apparel, as well as textbooks (both for sale and available through a rental progarrm).

Campus Store Website

Contact Information

Store Manager  
Cheryl Cartier

Phone:  (203) 933-4000
Fax:  (203) 931-2956

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