Resources for Survivors

Confidential Resources

College Advocate — Rape Crisis Center of Milford
24 hour confidential hotline (203) 878-1212 email –
The University’s College Advocate provides support, advocacy, and crisis counseling for victims and relays the options available to victims of sexual assault and the campus community. The College Advocate also provides educational opportunities to the campus community. She is available to be present with the victim from the time of disclosure of sexual assault.

BH Care- Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Services
24 hour confidential hotline – statewide (888)774-2900
Greater New Haven and shoreline – 203 789-8104, Lower Naugatuck Valley – 203 736-9944

The Umbrella advocate provides crisis intervention that includes safety planning, risk assessment, and domestic violence education for victims of domestic violence. Educational presentations are available to the student community upon request.

Health Services
Sheffield Hall, Lower level 203.932.7079
Health Services is open to all currently enrolled University students without charge Monday through Friday, during the academic year. Daily hours may change due to various circumstances; call 203.932.7079 prior to visit. All contacts are confidential. Staff members provide crisis and follow-up care for victims of sexual assault and make referrals to local hospitals for the administration of sexual assault evidence collection kits (also known as rape kits). For immediate medical needs during hours when Health Services is closed, students should seek emergency services, i.e., local hospital emergency rooms, Campus Police, local police, and local rape crisis centers.

Counseling and Psychological Services
Sheffield Hall, Lower level 203.932.7332
The Counseling Center staff members provide support for the long-term effects of sexual assault. All contacts are confidential.

Additional On-Campus Resources

Campus Police
Lower level of the Campus Bookstore 203.932.7014
Campus Police assist with the immediate medical needs of victims; work with the Dean of Students Office in the investigation and adjudication of incidents; provide timely, campus-wide notification of incidents, which pose an ongoing or continuing threat to the community; and assist in the preservation of evidence. While victims are encouraged to report crimes to the police, they may instead elect to seek counseling services and may be assisted by these services or by other campus resources. Campus Police will follow standard reporting procedures.

Dean of Students Office
Bartels Campus Center, Top level 203.932.7432
The Dean and Associate Dean of Students work closely with Campus Police in the investigation and adjudication of incidents of sexual misconduct; provide support to student victims; and work towards maintaining a balance between addressing the needs of the victim and the needs of the campus community.

Office of Residential Life
Bixler Hall, Lower level 203.932.7076
Office of Residential Life staff members are knowledgeable about campus and local services and can help sexual assault victims get assistance and provide assistance to residents impacted by the sexual assault.

Office of Intercultural Relations
Bartels Campus Center, Top Level 203.932.7427
The Director of Intercultural Relations is knowledgeable about campus and local services; provides support to student victims; and works closely with members of the CERT to provide proactive initiatives to educate the campus community on issues related to sexual misconduct.

Campus Education and Response Team (CERT)
To contact the CERT regarding educational opportunities, please call 203.932.7445.
In an ongoing effort to provide a safe and supportive learning environment, the University has appointed a Campus Education and Response Team (“CERT”). The CERT consists of a network of individuals throughout the University and Greater New Haven community which conduct ongoing educational campaigns on issues related to sexual misconduct, as well as ensure an appropriate and coordinated response to victims of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, or stalking. These staff members include representatives from the following campus and local resources: Dean of Students Office, Campus Police, the Office of Residential Life, Counseling and Psychological Services, Health Services, Faculty, Wellness Peer Educator Coordinator, and the Rape Crisis Center of Milford’s College Advocate.

Campus Resource Team (CRT)
To learn more about the Campus Resource Team, please call 203.932.7445.
In an ongoing effort to enhance the University’s response to sexual violence and harassment, the University President has appointed a Campus Resource Team (“CRT”). The Campus Resource Team is comprised of critical campus officials as well as local resources involved in responding to sexual misconduct incidents. The CRT is charged with reviewing campus policies and recommending protocols for providing support and services to community members who report incidents of sexual misconduct. The group meets at least once per semester to review, assess, and update the University’s Sexual Misconduct protocols and policies. Members include representatives from the following campus and local resources: Dean of Students Office, Campus Police, the Office of Residential Life, Counseling and Psychological Services, Health Services, Faculty, Wellness Peer Educator Coordinator, the Rape Crisis Center of Milford’s College Advocate, Director of Offsite Locations, and student representatives.

Greater New Haven/Orange Area Resources

Center for Women and Families
753 Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604
203.334.6154 office • 203.333.2233 hotline

Women and Families Center
1440 Whalley Avenue, New Haven, CT 06515
203.624.4576 office • 203.235.4444 hotline

New Britain YWCA Sexual Assault Crisis Services
22 Glen Street, New Britain, CT 06051
860.547.1022 office • 860.241.9217 hotline

BH Care – Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Services
453 East Main Street, Ansonia, CT 06401
203.736.2601 office • 203.736.9944 hotline

Rape Crisis Center of Milford
70 West River Street, Milford, CT 06460
203.874.8712 office • 203.878.1212 hotline

New Haven Legal Assistance Association, INC
203.946.4811 • 800.453.3320 Toll-free

Old Lyme/New London Area Resources

Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern Connecticut
78 Howard Street, Suite C1, New London, CT 06320
860.442.0604 office • 888-999-5545

Safe Futures (Intimate Partner Violence)
16 Jay Street, New London, CT 06320
860.701.6000 office •888.774.2900 hotline

Albuquerque, New Mexico Area Resources

Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico
9741 Candelaria NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112
505.266.7712 office • 505.266.7711 hotline

Domestic Violence Resource Center
625 Silver St. SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
505.768.2104 office•505.884.1241 hotline

San Francisco, California Area Resources

San Francisco Women Against Rape (SFWAR)
3543 18th Street #7, San Francisco, CA 94110
415.861.2024 office•415.647.7273 hotline

San Francisco Domestic Violence Consortium (Intimate Partner Violence)
Presidio Main Post, 100 Montgomery St., San Francisco, CA 94129
415.626.8709 office•415.864.4722 hotline

National & Statewide Resources

CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV)
888.774.2900 English hotline
844.831.9200 Spanish hotline

Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence
(formerly known as CONNSACS)
888.999.5545 English hotline
888.568.8332 Spanish hotline

GLBTQ Domestic Violence Project
800.832.1901 hotline

Stalking Resource Center
(202) 467-8700 office

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
800.273.8255 English hotline
888.628.9454 Spanish hotline

Statewide Legal Services of CT, INC.
800.453.3320 Toll-free

National Center for Victims of Crime
202.467.8716 Referral hotline


Counseling Services  203.932.7333

Health Services 203.932.7079

Additional Resources:

Campus Police 203.932.7014

Dean of Students 203.932.7432

Residence Life 203.932.7076

Confidential Hotlines:

Rape Crisis Center of Milford

Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Services

CT Alliance to End Sexual Violence
888.999.5545 (English)
844.831.9200 (Spanish)

CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence
888.774.2900 (English)
844.831.9200 (Spanish)

The University of New Haven (“the University”) is committed to providing an environment in which all members of the University community are safe, free from fear, intimidation, or harassment, and able to participate fully in the educational and social opportunities available to them at the University.  The University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy describes the University’s prevention policy toward sexual misconduct of any kind, including sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact, non-consensual sexual intercourse, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, dating violence, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, stalking, and intimidation.  It also provides guidance for students, faculty, or staff who have been subjected to sexual misconduct, outlines the University’s disciplinary response, and identifies campus and community resources available to members of the University community.

Victims of sexual misconduct, whether occurring on or off campus, will be supported and assisted in obtaining medical treatment, counseling, and other resources to help them with the trauma they experience. The following links are resources that are helpful for victims of sexual assault.

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