Security Bulletins

Active Bulletins
March 9, 2023 – Attempted Car Theft in Atwood Parking Lot

Suspects shown in the photos below stole a KIA from the Atwood parking lot at around 11:35 p.m. on Monday, March 6. The male suspect in picture #1 is believed to have stolen the vehicle.

The male suspect shown in picture #2 attempted to steal a KIA in the Atwood parking lot on Thursday, March 9, at 12:50 a.m. University police intervened and pursued the vehicle shown in picture #3 into New Haven. That vehicle’s license plate is believed to be 577GGR, a KIA reported stolen out of West Haven.

These incidents are like other KIA vehicle thefts being reported across the nation.

If you see the vehicle in picture #3, or other suspicious activity, please contact the University Police Department by calling (203) 932-7014, or using the LiveSafe app.


Jan. 26, 2023 – Catalytic Converter Thefts

The vehicle shown is involved in catalytic converter thefts in our area. The vehicle occupants stole a catalytic converter from an employee’s car on 01/25/23 at about 11:15 a.m. in the area of 114 Boston Post Road. The license plate, 404-FDJ is reported as stolen.

Do not approach the vehicle if seen, if you see this vehicle or other suspicious activity, please contact UNHPD at 203-932-7014 or via LiveSafe.

suspect vehicle

Dec. 8, 2022 – Vehicle Break In at The Atwood

People in the vehicle shown stole items from a vehicle parked in The Atwood parking lot at around 5:07 p.m. on Wednesday, 12/07/2022. Three males were in the vehicle; they broke a window of a car to gain access. The vehicle shown has Connecticut plate BA 69744 and the car is stolen from New Haven.

If you see this vehicle or other suspicious activity, do not approach the vehicle. Please contact the University Police by calling 7070 on any University phone, use the LiveSafe app, or call 203-932-7014.

Surveillance camera photos of suspect vehicle

Nov. 1, 2022 – Catalytic Converter Theft

The vehicle shown stole a catalytic converter from a vehicle parked in the Celentano Hall parking lot at around 1:08 p.m. on 11/01/2022. Two males were in the vehicle, which was described as having heavy window tint, bondoon the right side of the vehicle, and squeaky brakes.

If you see this vehicle or other suspicious activity, please contact the University Police by calling 7070 on any University phone, use the LiveSafe app, or call 203-932-7014.

Surveillance camera photos of suspect vehicle

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