Membership Services

Locker Rentals are available to all active Members for $10/month and may be purchased at the Welcome Desk.

  • Locker Rentals are available on a month to month basis only.
  • Locker Rentals are meant for the storage of workout apparel and toiletries.
  • Locker Rentals must be kept clean. Members with Locker Rentals that are deemed unsanitary will receive 1 written warning via e-mail. If the problem persists after the initial warning lockers will be emptied, items will be removed be removed and stored for 30 days.
  • Upon expiration belongings from Locker Rentals must be removed. Any items remaining in Locker Rentals 24 hours after expiration will be removed and stored for 30 days.
  • Upon expiration of Locker Rentals, lockers are cleaned, disinfected and lock combinations are changed. 

Day use lockers are available for free to all members and offer a secure way to store belongings during your work-out. Members must provide their own lock.

At no additional fee, individuals can check-out a fresh, clean towel during each visit to the facility. Towels are available at and are returned to the Welcome Desk.

  • Recreation equipment may be checked out by members for use during a workout and by student groups hosting special events. All check-out equipment requires a valid University Of New Haven ID or membership card. Various equipment items available include basketballs, volleyballs, tailgating games, board games, etc.
  • Recreation equipment is available for Individuals to check-out at no charge.
  • Equipment check-out is on a first come, first serve basis.
  • A university Of New Haven ID card or Key Tag is required for equipment checkout.
  • If equipment is not returned or is lost, stolen, or damaged, the individual who checked out the equipment will be responsible for the equipment replacement fee.
  • When equipment is checked in, it will be inspected by ChargerREC for damage.
  • ChargerREC professional staff will determine the equipment replacement fee, and then contact the individual responsible.
  • Once contacted, the individual will have 3 business days to either return equipment (if missing) or pay the equipment replacement fee.
  • If payment is not received within three business days, access privileges will be suspended until payment is received.
  • Event equipment requests are available to organizations that have a confirmed event reservation on the University Of New Haven campus. 
  • All requests must be submitted via e-mail to the Assistant Director of Operations & Student Development at
  • All event equipment MUST remain on the university Of New Haven campus and be returned to facility on or before the designated date and time.
  • ChargerREC professional staff will determine the equipment replacement fee, and then contact the individual responsible.
  • Once contacted, the individual will have 3 business days to either return equipment (if missing) or pay the equipment replacement fee.
  • If payment is not received within three business days, access privileges will be suspended until payment is received.

Our pro-shop offers members the opportunity to purchase recreation equipment and toiletries. We carry table tennis balls, shampoo, racquetball racquets, boxing and weight lifting gloves, and more

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