
This page is a resource for many of your academic needs. Additional Information can be found at Student Resources.

Connect with a Tutor
  • Math Zone
    • Math Zone logo Offers student support in math courses through Precalculus
  • Writing Center
    • Offers high-quality writing tutoring to undergraduate and graduate students
Meet with the Center for Student Success
Learn about the Accessibility Resource Center
Find Information on Academic Policies

Degree Audit and its mobile-friendly experience for users with for Single Sign On access through myCharger identifies your faculty advisor, calculates your GPA and allows you to monitor your progress toward the completion of degree requirements

Canvas can provide you with a dashboard of your current courses. Within each course, you can contact your instructor, access course materials and see feedback on course assignments.

Navigate is a digital platform that is utilized to improve student success and facilitate communication among students, faculty, and staff across campus. Here you can identify and contact your academic support team, view academic alerts from your faculty and make appointments with various offices around campus.

DUO Icon A university required Multi-Factor Authentication(MFA) secure logon app that provides enhanced protection for our users |Link iOS | Link Android|
Navigate icon EAB Navigate: Schedule appointments with advisors or office on campus and see faculty alerts. |Link iOS | Link Android|
Live Safe Icon Live Safe: Public safety app which connects to University Police and provides safety information |Link iOS | Link Android|
Outlook Icon Microsoft Outlook is the email software system from Microsoft, available as a part of the Microsoft Office suite. Outlook also includes such functions as calendaring, task managing, contact managing, note-taking, journal logging, and web browsing. |Link iOS | Link Android|
Canvas Icon Student Canvas: Centralized Learning Management System (LMS) where you can find a dashboard of your courses and materials. |Link iOS | Link Android|
Zoom Icon Zoom: Zoom is the industry-leading all-in-one solution for video, audio, screen sharing, and messaging. Zoom offers full video conferencing services on your Mac, PC, iOS or Android device, and webinars with up to 100 participants. |Link iOS Link Android|
Registration and Course Information

Registration How-to Video Tutorials 

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