Employee Assistance Program
ACI’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers benefits to address mental health issues, reduce stress and help make life easier. ACI’s EAP benefits include mental health sessions with a licensed clinician, legal and financial consultation, as well as work-life referrals for a wide range of life management needs. The EAP is 100% confidential, and benefits are provided at no additional cost to employees and family members.
Contact Information:
Contact ACI Specialty Benefits
855-RSL-HELP (855-775-4357)
Company Code: RSLI859
Click the documents below to access information on your Employee Assistance Program through Reliance/ACI Specialty Benefits.
EAP Flyer
EAP Member Portal Login Flyer
EAP FAQs and Guidelines
Make a Plan to Save Part of Your Refund
The start of the New Year means its tax season again. As you gather your tax records and prepare to file, why not use this annual responsibility to take another step toward building financial security for yourself or your family? For many Americans, a tax refund is the largest check they will receive all year. Saving all or part of that refund can help you prepare for unforeseen expenses throughout the year or perhaps reach a larger savings goal.
Research has shown that setting aside just $500 can cover a lot of the emergency expenses people often experience. Perhaps, though, you want to catch up on some bills, save for a major purchase, or even treat yourself to something special. Whatever you have in mind, tax time is a great opportunity to put money aside.
Here are some basic steps to take:
· Estimate your refund. Think about how much you might get back in a refund, based on what you received last year. Keep in mind, there may be changes to tax laws in the past year.
· Identify and prioritize your bills. This includes essentials like rent and utilities, as well as bills you would like to pay off or pay down. If you need help, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has several helpful worksheets to track your spending and get a handle on your debt.
· Plan for special purchases. Consider if there are any larger purchases you would like to make with part of your refund.
· Calculate what remains. Add up your expenses, payments, and purchases to see what you might have left over from your refund.
· Make a plan to save. Set a goal to save a portion of what’s left over from your refund. Perhaps it’s $500, or 25 percent of your refund. Whatever you choose is OK — just make a plan so you have a savings goal. Use the tax time worksheet to help you design your plan.
· Finally, decide where you want to put your savings. Do you have a separate account or another way to set money aside? Or perhaps you have a prepaid card with a set aside feature. If you have an account or a card you want to use for saving, make sure to have both your account and routing numbers available when you file your return. Rather than waiting for a check, the IRS can often directly deposit your refund into this account.
Content sourced from: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau