
Learning management system (LMS).

Faculty/Staff Email

Link to your faculty/staff email.

Software used to enter payroll hours and view time sheets.

Software used to enter payroll hours and view time sheets.


Submit a work order for your office.

Help Desk System

Submit a help desk ticket.


Register your vehicle for parking permits. Pay tickets.



Event Management for booking rooms and spaces.

Argos Report

Available only on the campus network or via VPN.

Self Service Banner (SSB)

Course rosters, grading, and more.


Banner 9 Administrative Pages, replaces INB.    

Degree Audit for Faculty

View student progress within their program and conduct what-if analyses.


LinkedIn Learning

Free access to thousands of top-quality video tutorials on many topics.


iGrad for Schools

Financial literacy education and wellness for students, staff and alums.

Click for Interfolio

An organized, digital space to track applicant talent acquisition.


A retention tool utilized to improve student success and facilitate communication.

As we move towards the start of the 2024-2025 academic year, we are excited to announce a progressive new change to the university’s telephone system. 

Beginning on May 1st, we will begin transitioning the university phone systems to TEAMS. With it, the Charger community will gain telephone mobility, giving access to your work phone wherever you are. TEAMS also includes the integration of chat and video meeting capabilities. 

We will be in direct contact with AVPs, Deans and Directors to coordinate transitioning users to the new system. The project is scheduled to be completed no later than July 31.

As we start to transition the Charger community to TEAMs, it’s important to keep the following in mind:

  • All users will use their computer and TEAMs app for telephone use
  • Users who request will be provided a headset to connect with their computer/laptop for TEAMs telephone use.
  • Voicemail messages will still arrive as an email attachment
  • All users and departments will maintain the same number
  • You will no longer need to dial 9 for an outside line
  • Only dial 911 from TEAMs if calling from a university property (911 provides emergency services with your location, calling from off campus through TEAMs may confuse responders as to your location)

Click here to learn more. 

Live UnitedUnited Way logo.

United Way has a unique ability to maximize the effect of a dollar and direct funds to the most impactful programs. Making a pledge to support children and families in greater New Haven is no small thing. It is a demonstration that you want to be a part of building a better community for us all. You can make a difference, and you are the reason United Way of Greater New Haven will have the resources it needs to reach its ambitious goals in education, financial stability, and health. 

Production Environment

Starrez Web

Members of the UniversityReport it! Don't Ignore it! logo community are encouraged to report crimes, suspicious behavior, and incidents of bias through the University’s Report It! Don’t Ignore It! system. Report It! is the University’s primary resource for community members who wish to report a crime or an incident of concern.

You can access Report It! Don’t Ignore It! by clicking here.

Click here to access your electronic W2 tax form -> Electronic W2
Click here to opt out of receiving a paper W2 -> Electronic-only W2 Consent
Click here to update your Federal and State tax withholdings -> Federal and CT State W4 Forms
Click here to update your Direct Deposit information -> Direct Deposit Form
This section has been moved to the Benefits section of the HR page. 
Faculty & Staff Giving
Diversity and Inclusion Resources
Chosen Name Form
Adjunct Contract Letters

Adjunct Contract Letters  

Contract Letter Status Tracking

User Guide – Adjunct Contract Letters

Administrative Staff Council

Council Site

Campus Travel

Campus Travel

Contract Management

ESM Contract Management System

ESM Testing Site

Course Photo Rosters

Course Roster Photos Programs

ePDO System

ePDO System

User Guide – ePDO System

Charger Buy – ESM Purchase

Charger Buy – ESM Purchase

Charger Buy – ESM Purchase Training

Faculty & Staff Guide for Assisting Students

Faculty & Staff Guide for Assisting Students

Faculty Workload Reports

Full-Time/PIR Workload Report, Detailed – A detailed breakdown of all instructional assignments and release time for a given academic year

Full-Time/PIR Workload Report, Summary – Aggregated totals of instructional assignments and release time for a given academic year

Gender Identity Policy

Gender Identity Policy

Faculty & Staff Guide for Assisting Transgender Student

Non-English language or ESL interpreter program 
Planning and Assessment Software

Planning and Assessment Software – Formerly referred to as baseline or outcomes, this link takes you to a landing page where you can click which you are looking for. Campus Labs Data Collection Tool (e.g., surveys and rubrics) and Campus Labs Assessment Tool for Learning from Outcomes Data

Strategic Plan Updates

“Strategic Plan” Update – University of New Haven Strategic Plan 2012-2017 updates.

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity & Belonging Training 

(mandatory for all employees) – LinkedIn Learning DIEB Course

Click the links below for instructions, videos, and other helpful resources.

Educational Technology Resources

Administrative Technology Resources

Other Technology Resources

Formerly, Campus Labs. Suite of academic tools including Baseline, Planning, and Outcomes. 

  – Available only on the university network or via the VPN.


For authorized users only.

Update Academic and Disciplinary Contacts

This is mandatory for all undergraduate students and must be updated each academic year.

Click on the above link to identify authorized contacts or opt out.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 prohibits postsecondary educational institutions from disclosing the education’s records of students to most third-parties without the student’s explicit written consent. Under the provisions of FERPA, parents are considered to be third-parties and student information may not be disclosed to a parent without the student’s explicit written consent.

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