Wellness 360

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As an institution, we value the overall health and wellness of all members of our campus community.  Research shows that having a Workplace Wellness program for employees provides multiple benefits including building upon the human need for connection and community.  The Wellness 360 program for Employees was created to provide tips, resources, and programming that is designed to offer guidance and support in a variety of health and wellness areas while fostering a culture of value and pride in our community.  For more information, please contact Wellness360@newhaven.edu.

March is Financial Fitness & Wellness Month

Each year, we select the month of March to provide financial wellness tips and resources. Last year we shared information surrounding financial literacy – the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills.  This year we are sharing information on financial fitness & wellness and overall financial health.  While those topics sound like they would mean the same thing, they are in fact different.

Financial fitness & wellness is about how you feel about your money and your overall financial situation. It’s a holistic view that includes your confidence in managing day-to-day finances, your ability to absorb financial shocks and your progress towards financial goals. Essentially, it’s your financial peace of mind.

Staying financially healthy, on the other hand, involves regularly checking your finances, and smart money management. This could mean setting up a budget, keeping track of your spending and ensuring that you’re not living beyond your means. Think of it as the physical fitness of your financial life – a healthy balance of income, savings and expenses.

Your financial health includes both your current financial situation and your long-term financial future. It’s not just about having a healthy bank balance but also about feeling secure and in control of your finances. When you have good financial health, you’re able to meet your financial needs and feel confident about your ability to handle future financial challenges.

In support of the financial health and wellness theme, the Office of Human Resources is pleased to announce two Financial Wellness webinars (March 11 and March 26).  Both will be conducted by Fidelity Workplace Financial Consultant, Dionnie Edwards. Check out the “This Month’s Special Events” schedule below or your email for the flier from the Office of Human Resources for more details including how to register to attend these virtual sessions.

Financial Wellness Graphic

Pickleball Open-Play for employees – Friday, March 7 from 12:00-2:00 @ Beckerman Center

Even though heart health month is over, every month should be heart health month. Bring your university ID, wear sneakers, and be dressed to move! ChargerREC will provide equipment and tips, but feel free to bring your own equipment. Non-members will be required to sign a liability waiver before play.

“What is financial wellness and why is it important?” – Tuesday, March 11th @ 1 p.m.  

Being well prepared to handle any financial crisis, that’s financial wellness. Learn how to prioritize your needs and wants, so you can pay today’s bills while saving for your future goals. Click HERE to register for this virtual session.

Monday Mindfulness Minutes Part 3 – Monday, March 17 from 12:00-12:30pm on zoom. 

Join CMPC Coach Becky Snow (’00) for the third and final session of our 3-part 30min mindfulness series. Even if you missed the first two sessions, you can still participate in this session as Coach Snow continues showing us how to incorporate individual mindfulness practices into our everyday routine.  Some practices include Mindfulness for Attention, Mindfulness for Acceptance, and Freedom from Judgement.  This will be a live session on ZOOM with instructional exercises and will also provide attendees with an opportunity for engagement and live Q&A.  Click HERE to join the zoom session.

“Creating a Budget, You’ll Actually Use.” – Wednesday, March 26th @ 12 p.m.

Planning out your spending, and living within a budget, is all about freedom. Learn how to create a budget you’ll use, so you’re prepared for the unexpected, and able to pursue what’s important to you. Click HERE to register for this virtual session.

Friday Funday! Friday, March 28 from 12:30-1:30 in Ghering Hall, classroom 301

W360’s Friday Funday is back with a fun wellness game. We’ve tailored the “Blank Slate” board game to our needs with a wellness topics twist. Put on your wellness thinking cap and join colleges for a fun Friday afternoon break. Registration details coming soon…

ChargerRec Member Portal Image Link
Did you know that a ChargerREC membership is only $12 per month? Please click here ​for more information or email ChargerREC@newhaven.edu for membership inquiries.Visit the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) page to connect with a counselor or for additional resources.

Did you know… nearly 45% of women age 20+ are living with some sort of cardiovascular disease. Know the Warning Signs and Symptoms of heart attack and stroke (regardless of gender) and remember this acronym for Go Red with tips to help yourself and the women in your life: 

Get your numbers – Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure and cholesterol 

Own your lifestyle – Stop smoking, lose weight, exercise, and eat healthy. 

Realize your risk – We think it won’t happen to us, but heart disease kills 1 in 3 women. 

Educate your family – Make healthy food choices for you & your family. 

Don’t be silent – Tell every woman you know that heart disease is our No. 1 killer. 

Did you know…  there is a difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest. 

Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectantly. Cardiac arrest is an “electrical” malfunction.  A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. A heart attack is a “circulation” problem.  Click HERE for an infographic with more details on the differences and what to do if you see someone having a cardiac event. 

Did you know… snow shoveling and cold temperatures combine for a perfect storm of heart health hazards. 

Barry Franklin, Ph.D. and longtime AHA volunteer contributor, is a leading expert on the science behind the cardiovascular risks of snow shoveling.  He notes that “The movements of snow shoveling are very taxing and demanding on your body and can cause significant increases in your heart rate and blood pressure. Combined with the fact that the exposure to cold air can constrict blood vessels throughout the body, you’re asking your heart to do a lot more work in conditions that are diminishing the heart’s ability to function at its best.”    

Campus Walking Routes

NOTE: As you consider participating in the Walk This Way program or other University Wellness Initiatives, please remember it is always best to consult your physician prior to beginning any exercise program. We want everyone to have a safe, positive, and beneficial experience. Physical exercise carries an inherent risk  including , but not limited to, muscle strains, sprains, the risk of falling, and other potential issues. 

West Haven Campus Walking: 

0.75 Mile Loop |  1.0 Mile Loop | 1.25 Mile Loop

Orange Campus Walking:            

0.5 Mile Loop1.0 Mile Loop

Tips and Resources

Here are a couple of podcasts related to financial health and wellness:

  • The Clark Howard Podcast – Hosted by the nationally syndicated radio talk show host and consumer reporter Clark Howard, this podcast offers financial advice, consumer tips, and economic news.
  • Women and Money – Hosted by America’s “Matriarch of Money”, Suze Orman shares stories and personal finance expertise to empower listeners to own the power to control their own financial destiny.
  • MoneyWatch & Jill on Money – Hosted by award winning Business Analyst and CBS news contributor Jill Schlesinger, both shows provide a no-nonsense guide to taking control of your finances by offering practical, real-world advice to help you build financial your confidence.

We hope you join the university’s Fidelity Workplace Financial Consultant, Dionnie Edwards, for two financial wellness seminars this month.  “What is Financial Wellness and Why is it Important?” on Tuesday, March 11 at 1pm and “Creating a Budget You’ll Actually Use” on Wednesday, March 26 at 12noon.  See the “This Month’s Special Events” section above for more information.

Recurring Wellness Intiatives

Free Class @ ChargerREC – Beginner Pilates, Tuesday, March 18 from 12:00-1:00pm

Bring your University ID to the Beckerman Center any time before class to set up a FREE Class Pass profile for our monthly Faculty Staff class. Space is limited, we recommend arriving 10 minutes before class.  Questions? Email chargerREC@newhaven.edu.

Walk this Way – see link below for preset routes or make one of your own!

Step away from your desk, give your eyes a break from your computer, and get some fresh air by joining campus colleagues for a walk around campus.  Sample campus walking routes of various distances can be found via this link on the interactive campus map.

 POWER-ON movement break

Utilize a brief YouTube video (or two) to provide a mini movement session right at your desk to combat office fatigue and re-energize your day!  No equipment needed.  Click on the video links below:

5 Minute Refresh (5 minutes standing)

5 Minute Posture Refresh (5 minutes seated)

Workday Full Body Stretch (6 minutes seated and standing)

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