Transitioning In-Person Classes Online During Inclement Weather

Dear Students and Faculty,

We are writing to provide information and expectations for course delivery in the event inclement weather results in a campus closure.

To the extent possible, in-person class meetings should transition to online or remote delivery if the campus is closed due to inclement weather. Faculty are asked to hold remote, synchronous sessions at the regularly scheduled course time or to provide an asynchronous delivery option.

Recognizing that there may be challenges for both students and faculty in transitioning from an in-person class to remote delivery, individual faculty should provide advance instructions to students regarding inclement weather cancellation plans.

We ask faculty to be understanding and accommodating of individual students who may have difficulty managing these alternative online or remote class meetings on short notice, recording lectures whenever possible and setting reasonable deadlines for assignments.

Students should plan to attend a remote, synchronous class at the regularly scheduled course time, unless otherwise notified by their instructor, or they should communicate their absence to the instructor. For courses transitioned to online asynchronous delivery, students should allocate time to complete work assigned as a substitute to a class meeting.

For labs, clinicals and practicums, or other hands-on learning components of a course that cannot be easily replicated in an online or remote environment, course-specific approaches will be developed by faculty with their department chairs and shared with students.

As in past years, any change in class status will be announced through the University’s emergency notification system by the Department of Public Safety by 6 a.m. for day classes (classes starting before 4 p.m.) and by 1 p.m. for evening and night classes (classes beginning at 4 p.m. or later). Faculty members will communicate with the students in their classes how they will handle in-person meetings that cannot occur on campus during inclement weather. Students are responsible for checking their email for specific instructions for their classes.

In instances of inclement weather cancellations, campus operations for residential students, unless otherwise noted, will operate as scheduled, though hours may be modified or changed based on the conditions. On days with inclement weather, separate messages will be sent from the Peterson Library, the Beckerman Recreation Center, and Dining Services regarding any changes to their normal hours of operation.

During instances of inclement weather, only essential employees, as previously determined by their respective department leaders, should report to campus. All other University staff and faculty should fulfill the requirements of their role remotely.

Residential students should also be prepared to move their vehicles if requested for snow removal operations.

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