A 10-week research experience is planned for the 2025 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program.
SURF will support a limited number of SURF 2025 faculty-mentored undergraduate student research projects that may be conducted in virtual, hybrid, or on-campus formats. SURF students and mentors participate in a research community and attend mandatory virtual seminars during the summer program.
SURF recipients and their mentors receive a stipend to support their work and a small budget for project supplies. SURF projects are student-initiated, original research projects that can be conducted and completed within the SURF summer program.
Undergraduate students from all years (with the exception of seniors graduating before December 2025) are eligible to apply. Projects from all disciplines, including interdisciplinary projects are encouraged.
The SURF 2025 summer program will extend from May 27 through August 1.
Students will not be required to be on-campus during the ten-week summer program. SURF recipients must attend the mandatory virtual orientation and closing seminars during the opening and closing weeks of the summer program. Students are also required to present their work in a poster session in Fall 2025. Students who need to be on-campus to conduct lab projects may apply for housing for the period of their on-campus lab work only. Students should plan on conducting pre and post lab work virtually.
Faculty mentors who have their own research funds to support student researchers during the summer and would like them to participate in the enriching activities of the SURF program should contact surf@newhaven.edu to discuss the opportunity to fund a SURE (Summer Undergraduate Research Experience) student participant.
The program is highly competitive; a limited number of projects will be funded.
Application materials and guidelines are available on the SURF website.
Online applications are due on or before March 17, by 12 p.m.
Potential applicants are advised to contact the SURF Team at surf@newhaven.edu for more information