Students: Spring Break Reminders

Dear Chargers,

This year, the University of New Haven’s Spring Break is Saturday, March 8, through Sunday, March 16. We would like to take this opportunity to share some important safety precautions and remind you of upcoming deadlines that will approach after Spring Break.

For students remaining on-campus, be sure to check myCharger for information regarding on-campus operations. While there are no classes during Spring Break, University offices remain open Monday to Friday, with regular hours.

Whether you’re traveling or staying nearby, please review these policies:

  • The legal drinking age in the United States is 21. The use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages by individuals under the age of 21 is prohibited by the University and in the State of CT.  If you plan to travel outside of the U.S., be sure to find out the legal drinking age for your destination. Similarly, the use and/or possession of narcotics, cannabis, or controlled substances, including prescription drugs, is a violation of University regulations.
  • Any public or private use of alcohol by students that leads to intoxication, intrusive, destructive, or violent behavior is unacceptable and will be treated as a conduct matter. All students are responsible for discouraging alcohol-related behavior that is abusive to themselves or others.  Learn more about the Alcohol & Substance Use Policy within the Student Handbook.
  • Report It, Don’t Ignore It!—report any criminal or suspicious behavior to law enforcement. The emergency number in the U.S. is 911. If you are traveling outside of the U.S., know the emergency number for your destination as well.

Summer 2025 and Fall 2025 enrollment dates are quickly approaching, so keep an eye out for when you can sign up for courses on your myCharger account. Visit the Registrar’s page on myCharger to learn your specific registration date. Need to schedule an appointment with your academic advisor to prepare for class registration? Learn how to schedule your appointment via Navigate here!

It is our sincere wish that each campus community member can have a safe and enjoyable Spring Break.

Ashley Dunn

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