Environmental Health and Safety
The University of New Haven’s Department of Environmental Health and Safety services the University community by promoting health and safety, environmental protection and regulatory compliance. The EH&S team is staffed by a Connecticut state certified Fire Marshal and supplemented by subject matter experts in enterprise waste management and environmental services. We are committed to developing a culture where safety and health are core values, adopted and practiced throughout all levels of the University, and to providing high quality consultation that facilitates the University’s mission of research, teaching and service.
EH&S fosters partnerships with faculty, students and staff to enable them to recognize risks and empower them to learn, discover and work safely, and to minimize injuries, illnesses, environmental impact and regulatory risks. We accomplish this by providing exceptional service and leadership through program development, information and training, consultation and periodic review of environmental health and safety practices.
The University of New Haven provides a safe and healthy work environment in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.1450 “Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories” also known as the Laboratory Standard. Commitment to health and safety is the responsibility of individuals at all levels to protect the safety and health of all employees, students and the environment. The University’s written Chemical Hygiene and Hazard Communication Plans provide guidance to students and employees for safe work practices while in the laboratory environment
Regulatory Links and Resources
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories—6th Edition (cdc.gov)
The goal of the University Laboratory Safety Program is to minimize the risk of injury or illness to laboratory workers by ensuring that they have the training, information, support and equipment needed to work safely in the laboratory.
The EH&S Department, in conjunction with Laboratory Managers, provides guidance and oversight to research staff in the following areas; use, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials; the development of specific laboratory safety programs; waste minimization; fume hood evaluations; safety newsletters; and assists with plan reviews related to laboratory renovations.
- Accident Incident Report Form
- Biological Safety Manual
- Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
- Bloodborne Pathogens Quiz
- Chemical Fume Hood Policy
- Chemical Hygiene Plan
- Compressed Gas Policy and Procedure
- Ebola Policy
- Hazard Communication Program
- Hazardous Waste Manifest Policy
- Laboratory Inspection Policy
- Laboratory Safety Policy
- Laboratory Use for Visitors and Minors Policy
- Laboratory Safety Quiz
- Machine Shop Safety Policy
- Personal Protective Equipment Policy
- Safety Shower and Eye Wash Policy
- Radiation Safety Policy
- Respiratory Protection Program
The University of New Haven is committed to managing the University’s waste streams in an environmentally sensitive and responsible manner.
Proper management of wastes includes: correctly identifying wastes, appropriately labeling wastes, storing wastes properly, performing required weekly inspections; and ensuring that all storage time limits are met. Additional waste information can be found in the University’s Chemical Hygiene Plan.
The following documents are available for download:
Some University buildings constructed before 1981 have asbestos-containing components, such as pipe insulation, floor tiles and fireproofing. EH&S and Facilities have a program in place to inspect such materials to ensure that they are intact, monitoring conditions, and having external, certified abatement contractors safely remove asbestos as needed.
EH&S offers services for identifying asbestos-containing materials, prior to construction or maintenance activities, which may disturb asbestos, air sampling in areas where friable (easily crumbled by hand pressure) asbestos is known to exist, and personal and area air sampling where there is a potential for exposure. We also offer Asbestos Awareness Training for employees who may come in contact with asbestos-containing materials as part of their job (e.g., maintenance workers, Building Services employees, etc.).
Asbestos Abatement
Asbestos abatement in educational facilities (including the University) is highly regulated by the Connecticut Department of Public Health. The requirements include submission and approval of an asbestos abatement design, use of a state-licensed firm to perform the abatement, air monitoring at the perimeter of the abatement area during removal, and inspection and clearance testing of the abated area prior to re-occupancy. For additional information on asbestos abatement projects at the University, contact the University’s Facilities Department.
Damp indoor environments caused by water leaks, floods or high humidity can lead to the growth of mold and other microbial organisms. Uncontrolled mold and microbial growth and exposure to building dampness can be associated with respiratory symptoms. For people who are sensitive to molds, exposure can cause symptoms such as nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, wheezing, or skin irritation.
If you see or suspect mold growth in your building, report it to the Facilities Department through the work order system.
Contact EH&S via email (ehssafety@newhaven.edu) if you have health concerns related to mold and microbial growth.
The University of New Haven is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all students, faculty, staff and visitors. In an effort to meet this commitment, the university has developed a Work Place Safety Program focused on improving safety. Although EVERYONE IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY, we must always strive to be safety conscious and report unsafe conditions immediately. In the unfortunate event that an accident, incident or near miss occurs, accurate and timely reporting is essential to help improve safety by identifying the root cause and prevent/reduce future occurrences.
Work Place Safety Page
The University of New Haven is committed to promoting a safe environment for our students and staff. The Health and Safety department takes a proactive approach to safety training and is continuously developing, improving and updating training programs to train University employees as required by local, state and federal regulations.
The following training presentations are available for download:
- Laboratory Safety Training
- Includes both Hazard Communication and Chemical Hygiene Training
- Universal Waste Management Training
- MSDSOnline Training
- Bloodborne Pathogens Training
- Asbestos Awareness Training
- Back Safety and Ergonomics Training
- Hot Work Safety Training
- Ladder Safety Training
- Mold Response and Remediation Training
- PPE Training
- SPCC Training
- Lock out Tag out Training
Christopher J. Reed
Executive Director of Fire, Environmental and Workplace Safety
(203) 932-7010
Alyssa Fitter
Environmental Health and Safety Specialist
(203) 932-7009
Environmental Health and Safety Department
Important Links
Chemical Safety Data Sheets (MSDS Site)
Campus Map (including AED locations)
To use the MSDS site, please make sure your operating systems and browser are up to date:
- Internet Explorer 10+*, Firefox, Chrome, Safari (Mac)
- Windows 7, 8, 8.1*, 10 for SDS / MSDS Library Backup
- Javascript, AJAX and cookies enabled, and DOM storage enabled
- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (Version 2015+)
- VGA Resolution of 1024×768 or higher recommended
*Microsoft has discontinued (or will in the near future) mainstream support for Windows 7, 8, & 8.1, and for IE10 on most Windows operating systems.
Construction Safety & Environmental Management
Chemical & Laboratory Safety
EH&S conducts formal inspections of all laboratories at least annually. In addition, Department Laboratory Managers are encouraged to conduct their own inspections on a quarterly basis.
EH&S surveys hazardous waste activities in laboratories on a regular basis, conducting inspections of satellite accumulation areas and main accumulation areas.
Each Laboratory Manager is encouraged to conduct self-audits. The inspection checklists can be found on the IMEC Safety Inspection Application. If in need of historical inspection records please contact Chris Reed at creed@newhaven.edu.