University of New Haven Police Department

A group of police officers standing in unison.

The University of New Haven main campus is located on 82 acres in the city of West Haven, CT. This location allows for easy access to many area attractions including beaches at the Long Island Sound, fabulous local eateries and many historic land marks. This provides a wonderful opportunity for our students to explore the best of southern New England!

Adam Brown

The University of New Haven Police Department is a Tier II accredited, 24-7 police department located at the main campus in West Haven. The 19 member department provides law enforcement coverage year-round for all students, faculty, staff and visi- tors, and prides itself in providing robust community policing to the entire campus community. Rooted in the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and professionalism, we provide law enforcement and public safety services to the University of New Haven community. We accomplish this through our core values of community policing, education, diversity, respect and service to the community while maintaining our oath to uphold the Constitution.

The University of New Haven Police Department promotes a culture of safety by providing assorted safety training throughout the year to the whole community. The department also encourages everyone to be mind- ful of their surroundings and to report any suspicious and criminal activity to the police department through one the various reporting methods including the Live Safe app.

The University of New Haven Police Department continually strives for excellence in the execution and delivery of our public safety services to provide all members of the University community a safe environment to live, work and most importantly learn. On behalf of the University of New Haven Police Department I wish everyone a wonderful time while at the University. Go Chargers!


Adam Brown Chief of Police

University Police 

University Police Emergency

Emergency Fire, Medical, or West Haven Police Emergency 

Rape Crisis Center of Milford 

Officer AppreciationCongratulations to Officer Onoria Sierra and James Mrockza for being awarded the 2020 MADD certificate of appreciation for education and community involvement. 
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