Community Service

To serve as a resource for students, faculty, and staff of the University of New Haven community and to foster relationships between the surrounding community and the University of New Haven.

Click here to open the pdf to learn more about alternative spring break.

The Alternative Spring Break program is a great opportunity for students to volunteer during their spring break and to give back to the surrounding community. Students spend the week working in teams to complete services at various New Haven and West Haven locations. The program is a wonderful way for students to meet other people, develop their leadership and teambuilding skills, and to volunteer their time and talents while benefiting great causes.

In 2019 there was a total of 37 participants who volunteered at 7 local sites:

  • West Haven Community House
  • CT Children’s Museum
  • Camp Cedarcrest
  • Havens Harvest
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • CT Food Bank
  • New Haven Reads

The Annual Community Service Merit Award recognizes an individual and/or organization for their success and efforts in giving back to the community.  The award is bestowed upon an individual or organization that holds community service as a priority.

Students must complete an application on behalf of their organization or for themselves. Applications are critiqued on completeness, creativity of the events/projects, success of the projects/events, efforts throughout the year, and efforts to learn about the community’s needs. 

Students receiving this award are recognized at the University’s annual Student Awards Ceremony and a progressive plaque is hung in the Campus Center to recognize their efforts in community service.

Merit Award Recipients

Click to open the PDF about Presidents public fellowship

The President’s Public Service Fellowship places highly qualified University of New Haven students in a non-profit or public service work environment for eleven weeks during the months of June, July, and August.

Students are provided with housing on campus and given a stipend for approximately 35 hours of work per week. Fellows gain valuable work experience and an awareness of the needs of their community. A core aspect of the program involves the participant’s development and improvement in six major competencies. These include leadership, communication, resilience, teamwork, global and cultural awareness, and critical thinking. The program serves to foster positive relationships with the Greater New Haven community and showcases what the University of New Haven has to offer through the participating students. 

Examples of previous work placement sites have included working with the West Haven Community House, the New Haven Chamber of Commerce, the New Haven Police Department, the West Haven Mayor’s Office, IRIS, the Children’s Museum, New Reach, New Haven Reads, CitySeed, the New Haven Regional Probate Court, and Christian Community Action. Fellows meet weekly for planned discussions, presentations, and social activities. Selection of the Fellows is based on the student’s scholastic achievements, experiences, campus and community involvement, and commitment to the University. 

Office Hours

Monday: 11am – 5pm
Wednesday: 11am – 5pm
Thursday: 4:30pm – 7:30pm

 Please make an appointment by email.

Email: or

Call: (203) 479-4585

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