Office of Military & Veteran Affairs

Service to Scholar Logo

Green Zone Training provides faculty, staff, and students with a better understanding and appreciation of the student veteran perspective in a two-part session. This unique and exclusive in-person training will explore the unique life experiences and world perspectives that our student veterans are exposed to and develop during their time in the military. A variety of topics will be covered to include but not limited to veteran culture, GI Bill overview, and how we can better serve and accommodate those that have already served. Discussions of individual experiences both during their time in the military and transitioning into the University will be conducted at various periods of the training session led by VA Work Study students and will be supplemented by practical examples to guide procedural and policy topics. A certificate of completion is provided to participants who complete both session parts.

For more information, please contact Ryan (Manager, Military & Veteran Affairs) for more information.

Click here to complete the Green Zone Training Sign Up form. 

The  Military and Veterans Center is open and available for all student veterans on campus.

The newly renovated and furnished center is located in Sheffield Hall 001 and serves as common place for students to study, gather for club meetings and relax. There are two computers with access to free printing, a microwave and refrigerator, a kurig and watercooler available to student veterans to use during breaks between classes. The Military and Veterans Center is a great place to meet fellow veterans and find out about veteran programming on campus and within the community.

The Yellow Ribbon GI Educational Enhancement Program is a provision of the Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008.  The program allows institutions of higher learning in the United States to enter voluntarily into an agreement with the VA to fund tuition and fee expenses that exceed the highest public in-state undergraduate tuition rate. The institution can contribute a specified dollar amount of those expenses and the VA will match the same amount as the institution (not to exceed 50% of the difference).

For detailed information on the Yellow Ribbon program including eligibility requirements and application process, click on this link to the VA’s information page:

Yellow Ribbon Program

How do I know if I am eligible?

Veterans should rely on official VA documentation and policies in determining your own eligibility for benefits. As such, we encourage all our veteran students to contact the VA Benefits Counselor directly to discuss their own application and best benefit options. For more information, please click here.  1-888-GI-BILL (1-888-442-4551)

What does the school need to certify my enrollment?

VOCREHAB: Your VA councilor will send your certification to the University of New Haven
Certificate of Eligibility and DD-214 (Veteran Dependents) 

Does University of New Haven participate in the Yellow Ribbon program?

Yes the University of New Haven is a participant in the Yellow Ribbon program. To take advantage of the program you must be at the 100% level of the Post-9/11 GI BILL. The University of New Haven does not have a cap on students or contributions.

Are my education benefits taxable?

No! GI BILL benefits are not taxable. For more information please visit the VA Answer Site for more information.

Once I start using my benefits am I required to continue using them until they are gone?

No, you can stop using VA Education Benefits at any time by notifying the Manager, Military & Veteran Affairs and the Primary School Certifying Official (SCO). If you would like to resume the use of VA Education Benefits, notify them of your intent to use them again, and we will certify you accordingly.

This is the same process to be used when switching VA Chapter benefits; Switching from Chapter 35 to Chapter 33 for example.

For other questions pertaining to education benefits please contact the manager for Military and Veterans Affairs.


Army ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) is one of the best leadership courses in the country and is part of your college curriculum. During classes, leadership labs, physical training and field training exercises, you will learn firsthand what it takes to lead others, motivate groups and conduct missions as an Officer in the Army.

Upon graduation from Army ROTC, you will earn the bar of a Second Lieutenant and be commissioned into the Active Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard and become a leader for life.

Air Force ROTC

The AFROTC program is available to University of New Haven students at Yale University’s main campus in New Haven. Through the AFROTC program, University of New Haven students, without paying extra tuition, can pursue a commission as an officer in the United States Air Force. The First-Year and sophomore courses carry no military obligation and are open to all students. Scholarships are also available for qualified students. These scholarships pay up to full tuition and fees, as well as money for books and a monthly tax-free stipend.

Click here to learn more. 

Contact info:

Mr. Robert M. Clark, Jr.
ROTC Program Coordinator
(203) 931-2996

To Contact Veteran Affairs

Military & Veteran Affairs: (203)932-7351

Ryan Noonan

Manager, Military & Veteran Affairs

VA Work Study Supervisor

Office: (203)932-7350

Kila Colucci

Primary School Certifying Official

Katie White

Student Accounts Fiscal & Techincal Coordinator

Gerard Pugh

Assistant Director of Financial Aid

Brian Smith

Student Accounts Collection Specialist

Click HERE To Meet The Staff

The Office of Military and Veteran Affairs Page 

Information Pages
Post 9/11 
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: Veteran Readiness & Employment
Chapter 33: Post 9/11 Bill
Chapter 35: Dependents Education Assistance
Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship
Ch1606 Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve
Survivors & Dependents Assistance (DEA) 
Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP)  
Educational Assistance Test Program  
National Call to Service Program 
Academic Calendar

Submit this form prior to semester start date once you finalize your upcoming schedule

Submit this form if you have made any changes to your upcoming schedule; only after first submitting the Initial Certification Form

Military Leave of Absence Information

Benefit Information

Apply online for benefits through

Transfer of Post-9/11 GI-Bill Benefits to Dependents (TEB) 

Dependents’ Application for VA Education Benefits  

Joint Service Transcripts (JST)

Request copy of your JST anytime you complete additional military trainings.

Click here to request a copy of your JST

Job Hunting

Feds Hire Vets   
Federal Jobs   
Connecticut Jobs   
G.I. Jobs 
Vet Jobs 
Hire Veterans 
Veteran Jobs /

Bursar’s Office

Contact: Katie White

Student Health Insurance and VA benefits

All full-time undergraduate and full-time international students are required to have health insurance and are automatically billed for the cost of the University-sponsored student health insurance plan. You may review the plan benefits offered and administered by UnitedHealthcare at

Waiving Health Insurance:

If you are full-time domestic undergraduate student with existing health insurance coverage and wish to waive the coverage offered by the University, you must submit an online waiver through the following link by 7/31/2024. The waiver can be completed here:

Keeping Health Insurance:

Your VA benefits will cover the cost of the health insurance fee. If you wish to keep the university policy, please confirm in an email to by 7/31/2024.

Am I eligible for a refund and how can I request a refund?

The refund request form can be found in the Refund section of ePay.

To be eligible for a refund your student account balance must be overpaid, showing a negative balance. The Bursar’s Office will verify that your account is reported correctly to the VA before issuing a refund.

Will withdrawing from/dropping a course impact your bill and benefits?

Tuition may be refunded in full when a class is closed, full, canceled or when the university rejects the enrollment application. If a student chooses to drop or withdraw from a course, tuition and other institutional charges will be refunded in accordance with the following schedule.

Will the VA pay for withdrawn course(s)?

Likely no, despite submitting mitigating circumstances the VA may prorate tuition and fees. This results in the student being financially responsible for the dropped course.

Important to note:

  • If you plan to withdraw from a course, contact Ryan Noonan ( before submitting the course withdrawal form (see negative impacts below).
  • If you would like to calculate your estimated out-of-pocket cost contact Katie White (

Negative impacts of withdrawing after start of term.

  • Out of pocket cost
  • Debt notice issued to school, impacting student account balance.
  • VA benefits can be impacted if you do not meet full-time requirements.
  • Debt notice issued to students for BAH/MHA funds.

What does the Anticipated Sponsor Payment on my account mean?

Anticipated Sponsor Payment is a placeholder for the anticipated VA wire payment. This is applied to students using chapter 33 benefits to prevent your student account from having an outstanding balance and financial holds.

If you add or drop a course while your account still has the Anticipated Sponsor Payment, you will need submit the Notice of Change Form in order for us to update the dollar amount.

Do my VA benefits cover my housing and meal plan charges?

Housing and meal plan charges are not reportable to the VA. This means you are responsible for your bill by the designated due date.  

How do I use my BAH to pay for my housing charges?

Your fall and spring bill are due before you receive your first monthly stipend. This means you will need to make payment arrangements to cover the cost of your housing and meal plan.

You may review payment options here. You may review financing options here.

I have exhausted my benefits, what does this mean for my student account?

  • STEM
  • 20% discount (Veteran only, no dependents)
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