University policies and procedures provide both a guideline and system of accountability to aid in establishing and maintaining personal and community standards. When you become part of our community, you take on the values that make the University of New Haven such a great place!
The following policies are both important and frequently referenced by students. We expect all University students to read and be familiar with all of the University policies contained in the Student Handbook and University Catalog. These documents are the official source for University policy and are subject to change. Students with questions about a particular policy should contact the Office of the Dean of Students.
All of the following policies can be found in the Student Handbook–the corresponding section is listed below:
Academic Policies & Procedures
- Academic Policies & Procedures
- University Policies
- Code of Conduct
Gender Identity Policy & Chosen First Name Form
Policy on Harassment & Bias-Motivated Offenses
- University Policies
- Code of Conduct
Substance Use Policy (Alcohol & Other Drugs)
- University Policies
- Code of Conduct
Sexual Harassment & Misconduct Policy
- University Policies
- Code of Conduct
Withdrawal from the University